Insights newsletter - January 25, 2024

Export to neuronavigation systems

Welcome to our insights letter, where we keep you in the loop on the latest developments, exciting milestones, and progress in creating our cutting-edge software. We appreciate your continued support and are thrilled to share our journey with you. Here's a snapshot of what's been happening.

Important regulatory notice:
This newsletter contains information about nordicMEDiVA. Some options and features in nordicMEDiVA are pending 510(k) submission and may not be available for sale in the United States.

Export to neuronavigation systems

This exporting feature completes the fMRI workflow in nordicMEDiVA, ensuring that the imaging data you've analyzed and prepared in our system can be used with surgical navigation tools. We also have features to generate reports suitable for reading in PACS - please see our newsletter from August 24 for a peek.


Let's dive into the updates:

Feature Insight

Smooth sending process

Overlay and export as many maps as you need. For each overlay, we'll automatically create a separate fused image with the selected underlay. All data are presented in a clearly labelled list in which series can be renamed - this makes double-checking and sending your data a breeze.

Feature Insight

Export method - White pixels on greyscale

When fusing an overlay with a structural underlay, a single new series is created in which information from the overlay is "burnt into" the structural underlay in the form of white pixels. In the case of BOLD t-maps, this means that the exported series is a copy of the structural series, containing white pixels in those areas that represent BOLD activations above the chosen threshold. These activations can then, for example, be segmented as individual objects in other systems or the entire series can be loaded along with other relevant patient imaging data.

Feature Insight

Sending status

Fused series are available to everyone who accesses the patient. Preview them individually or together in the MPRs for a quick and insightful overview.

Coming soon

Exciting Update: Thresholded Maps Export - Coming Soon!

Soon, you'll be able to export thresholded maps, keeping the structural image and the processed map in separate datasets. They will be inherently coregistered and have identical voxel dimensions, making it easy to combine the data after export.


Stay tuned!


DSC analysis with fully automatic capabilities

Tumor evaluation

DSC, DCE and diffusion analysis

Pre-surgical planning

fMRI and DTI+Spherical Deconvolution tractography